Welcome to birdhead world again in Venice

Venice Biennale | ILLUMInations (Arsenale)

“We use formats ranging from 135 film to 4×5 negatives, shooting as we wander about the city, and we also set up specific locations if we feel it’s necessary. The large volume of photographs that we have made since 2004 all originate from various aspects of our lives, so for us an individual photograph can never be more than only a small fragment that has been cut out from that. Maintaining this kind of habitual practice, we think photography takes on significance in continually doing the same thing.”

Established by the artists Ji Weiyu and Song Tao in 2004, Birdhead is a collaborative unit that uses photography to explore the social and built landscape of contemporary Shanghai and the artists’ physical relations to that environment.

Birdhead are: Song Tao
 | Born in Shanghai, China, 1979 Ji Weiyu
 | Born in Shanghai, China, 1980



Quelle Zitat & Texte: ART iT