We were abducted my mother, father, sister and me. Then they killed my parents and separated me from my sister. 
I was five, Abuk tells us in a low voice. I stayed with one of
 the men who kidnapped us and took care of his goats. Slaves 
is about Abuk, nine, and Machiek, fifteen. Like thousands of other children they were taken by government sponsored militia in Sudan and used as slaves. They were later liberated by the organisation CEAWC (Committee for the Eradication of Abduction of Women and Children) in Sudan headed by James Aguer. Slaves is based on an interview made in 2003 and is the second film in a series of animated documentaries with and about children in difficult situations by David Aronowitsch and Hanna Heilborn, and with design by Mats Johansson/Acne Jr.











Hanna Heilborn, Jahrgang 1968, studierte an der New York Film School und der schwedischen Theater- und Filmhochschule Dramatiska Institutet in Stockholm. Sie arbeitet als Filmemacherin, Drehbuchautorin, Dramaturgin und Dozentin für Animationsfilm. Ihre Arbeiten haben alle einem dokumentarischen Hintergrund.

David Aronowitsch wurde 1964 in Stockholm geboren. Von 1988 bis 1991 studierte er Regie an der Staatlichen Polnischen Filmhochschule in Lodz. Für den schwedischen Fernsehsender SVT drehte er sowohl kurze als auch längere Dokumentarfilme, darunter „Stockholm-75, die Geschichte eines ehemaligen RAF-Terroristen“ (2003) und „Facing genocide“ (2010).


Quelle Text: www.story.se

Quelle CVs: www.arte.tv