Saturday 21 April 2012 20:00
at ANDY’S BUNKER (Landstr. 92, Schaan)

with DJ Kejeblos


Schichtwechsel’s new board introduced its first two publications. Andy R. and DJ Kejeblos provided music for the night.

Dreck hält warm – Grüsse aus dem Unterholz
A 348-page catalogue documents the exhibition “Dirt keeps you warm – Greetings from the undergrowth”, which took place in Schaan’s Kaufin in October of 2011. In addition to pictures and information on events and art pieces, the book also includes written pieces by Michael Donhauser, Jonathan Huston, Elena Ibello, Janine Köpfli, Arno Oehri, Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, Moritz Rheinberger and Stefan Sprenger, as well as interviews with Renate Schaedler and Günther Vogt.

Beate Frommelt – Twist/Unbekannte Konstellation
Schichtwechsel is putting out a publication series in A5 format this year, which will be comprised of artist portraits, interviews and other texts. The aim is to introduce the work of artists and that of people from other areas, and to make exciting texts accessible to readers.